20 July 2014

Father Son Road Trip Part One: Surprise Road Trip

“I think we should get going back,” Abby says, now that we’re standing up again anyway. “It would be bad if your dad got to town and we were stuck out here.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” I say, even though I’m not exactly ready to leave.
We turn to face down stream where we mutually remember that we had climbed a waterfall to get here. With a small sigh, I go down first, using the hand holds from the way up. The spray from the south fork of the Kinnickinnic splotches my knees and elbows as I lower myself to the rock at the base of the fall. I point the hand holds out to Abby, only moments before my phone begins to ring. It’s dad; he’s off the high way and on his way to River Falls. Looks like Abby has good timing. I tell her so after she joins me on the rock.
The hike back to Glen Park is rushed, but even still Dad calls again to say he’s ‘here’ by the time we make it to the swinging bridge. So we begin to climb. At the top we say our goodbyes while we wait/look for my Dad’s car. After several minutes, he calls but he’s on the wrong side of the park. It’s a short jog from here, so I tell him to stay put. I’ll be there soon.
I see him on the bridge that overlooks the largest fall. So I jog the rest of the way over and throw him into a hug.
“Some view,” he says gesturing to the waterfall.
“I know a better one,” I say smiling. “Wanna jump a fence?”
“We did that last time I was here,” he reminds me, “but sure we can do that.”
So we walk off the bridge and along the seemingly private land that leads to the short fence with a locked gate. Maybe I’m impressed easily but a 61 year old man hopping a fence has got to count for something. Anyway, we walk down the narrow path towards the best view in town. The cliff is probably 60 feet in the air overlooking the Kinnickinnic River glimmering in the late afternoon sun.

“So what do you want to do?” Dad asks once we’d settled on the rocky ground.
“I don’t have anything planned. I told everyone that I’m effectively gone as soon as you get here,” I respond.
“Would you want to road trip back?”
“Yes,” I say without hesitation. I haven’t gone on a road trip in ages.
There is an old friend of his, from his days in the band, that plays in Minneapolis, so we’re going to see if we can drop in for a show. We climb back over the fence and make our way to Kasey’s apartment via his car. I had been living here all summer, and although it never really felt like my place (because it wasn’t), I was certainly going to miss it.
When we walk in the door, Kasey is potting a collection of stolen baby spider plants in various stages of growth. She seems to have two of each developmental stage. Earlier today, she told me of her plan to see if letting the plants watch Rhett & Link influences their growth. I wonder if she’ll vlog about it.
Anyway she is surprised to hear that I am leaving tonight. The plan was that I would stay there until Thursday morning. However, I had packed my whole room up that morning so I suppose even my subconscious knew that I wasn’t going to stay there. The three of us are quickly able to load my stuff into Dad’s vehicle. All of my clothes and personal effects fit into a small backpack and a shoulder bag. That would have been it, but over my time in River Falls I had somehow managed to accumulate several (well four) very large bags of books.
It feels wrong how unceremonial Kasey and my goodbye was.  There was a tight hug and generic well wishing, and although I do not know what could or should have been added. I can’t shake the feeling that there should have been more to it. Maybe it’s just because I come from a family that takes forever to say good bye.
All the same, I will miss my roommate and best friend. I hope she doesn’t go ahead and finish Sailor Moon without me.

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