12 August 2014

My Home in Eday Part 3

Saturday 2 August 2014
6:50 PM
The isle of Eday, Scotland, UK

When I get back to the house, I check my clothes on the line. This whole hanging up my clothes thing is so new to me, that it's novel and exciting in a way that this chore really shouldn't be.
This is obviously the clothes line. I'm facing west in this photo and you can sort of see the sunlight reflecting on the water in this picture. Also if you know what your're looking for you can just make out the southern tip of the island of Faray. 

They're all dry, but better than that, they smell like salt from the sea. If you love the ocean like I do, you'll get why this is amazing. I think my excitement is warranted. 
When I get inside – Dot, my house-mate, is back from town. She's going to dinner soon with her friend Elsa, and she wants me to tag along.
Dot is sort of an ex-local. I don't really know how else to put it. She used to live on Faray (back when people lived on Faray), but now she lives in Shetland. However, in between, she has sailed around the world a few times and as a result has several great stories to tell. Also, she seems to know everyone on the island, but of course that's a big part of the reason why she's back here to visit.
She's taken to introducing me as her adopted grandson which works with me, because she's a fairly grandmotherly person.
Anyway, she's been quite fun to talk to, and so I imagine dinner will be good fun too.

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