20 June 2014

Sammy Part 4: The beginning of the middle

June 2010
Maybe it was early July, I don’t really remember. I had been away for the week at an event called World Affairs Seminar. This makes it sound like I was globally conscious before I began going abroad. High school me would have thought so, but I can assure you, I wasn’t. That change came later. The only lasting thing that happened during my time at W.A.S. was that Sam broke her right front leg. She had gotten too close behind Tom, and he had stepped backwards. It really was just an accident, and Tom felt terrible.

It’s a few days later when I finally get home. Sam’s leg is covered in a pink cast and she is wearing the cone of shame. I think I remember being angry at Tom, but I know it was an accident, and I know that it was strange to see Sam in a cast. I had never broken a bone, and although Tom had managed to break both of his collar bones on separate occasions, we had never really been around anyone with a cast. So it’s strange to see her walk around with that pink club.
A broken leg has done little to hinder her jumping ability. My bed is over three feet off the ground, and Sam is able to jump onto my bed – cast and all. The cone of shame is luckily just a temporary thing. She hates it, and so we only force her to wear it if she won’t leave her cast alone.
The hardest this is that we had just gotten her used to the idea of going potty outside, and now we can’t very well take her for a walk. She’s going to be back on the potty pads for the next few months. This poor dog is probably really confused about what we expect out of her.

The vet says that she should be able to get her cast off by the end of the summer. She’s still pretty young so she should have no problem healing, although she might end up walking with a limp for a while.

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